Salmonfarm holds environmental and quality certifications, which guide our business. We follow the changes in legislation closely as well as the consumer needs and trends. Regarding the environmental matters, the sustainability work is based on the current legislation, environmental licence and an ISO standardized system we follow.
Part of our sustainability work is to constantly redevelop our business. Our goal is to function as efficiently and environmentally friendly way as possible. We have utilized computer-controlled technology in the feeding process. This minimizes the spoilage. In our fisheries we use feed, which is made from species caught from the Baltic Sea and thus, increasing the nutrient circulation in the Baltic.
We´ve invested in the spoilage reduction and in automated operations in the food processing. Currently, we utilize the whole fish, and nothing is wasted. The water we use is sea water, which is purified as drinking water in our water treatment plant. We´ve also made great efforts to cut down on the water usage.
Through our fishmeal and fish oil production, we´re on board in improving the state of the Baltic Sea. The raw ingredients we produce we sell on to our partners, for example, to Raisioaqua, who further refines them into the Baltic Blend feed.
Instead of importing foreign fishmeal (which happened before the opening of our factory in 2015), we manage to reduce the nutrient load in the Baltic Sea by circulating its own nutrients. This means that fish by fish the Baltic Sea improves.
Sustainability work is essential to our customers, especially to the end customers (consumers). Many choose to actively make better choices every day through their buying habits. Our aim is to meet those needs by investing in the welfare of the fish, for example, in their habitation and food, and by respecting sustainability values every day in our work.
A considerable amount of our processed fish come from our own fisheries. This helps us in guaranteeing the quality of our products.
We also work together with other Finnish and foreign companies that provide us with fish. We have partnerships in the Baltic region and in Norway. The most important partnerships are with Finnish, Swedish, Estonian and Norwegian companies.
During the years of 2015-2016 we pulled through Finland´s first fishmeal investment. This means we now annually buy around 35,000 tons of Baltic herring and bristling. Through the investment, a vast amount of foreign fishmeal is replaced with a domestic one.
By feeding the fish with local feed the nutrients circulate and foreign ones cannot enter the region. The Baltic Blend feed is made by our partner, Raisioaqua, and each kilo of fish raised with it reduces the phosphorus and nitrogen load in the Baltic sea. This is illustrated in Raisioaquas picture above (in finnish).
Effective cold chain guarantees quality products to our customers. The supply chain is our stronghold and something that we´ve invested in. We cover the whole chain from the sea to the consumer.
The quality products we provide increase staff satisfaction, motivation and effectiveness. At the centre of our company culture is to make sure the staff is knowledgeable. Customer feedback and suggestions for improvement are also crucial for our business development.
Salmonfarm is committed to following legal requirements as well as continuously improving its operations as required by the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 22000 standards.
Salmonfarm holds ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and FSSC 22000 certifications and abides by those standards. More information about the certifications:

Oiva is the platform where the Finnish food safety monitoring reports are published. At you can have a look at our inspection results. The reports are published on the site as soon as they´re completed.